'A Universe Of Ideas' -
'Bringing Human Intelligence To The Internet.'
We are the largest - independent information system & network online - an independent and alternative - educational, social media platform.
The Internet can be a "useful tool" if one knows how to use it. We are in the Age of Information, yet with this is the 'good' - the 'bad' and the 'ugly.'
The Internet can be "great source" of edification - to evolve the Mind - the Individual - Human Consciousness. Or - it can be consumed like 'junk food' - and contribute significantly to the devolution of the Individual - 'Consciousness.'
The Internet is predominantly noisy and chaotic. For the Individual who values HUMAN INTELLIGENCE and 'ORDERED' INFORMATION - iGURU! Teaching Systems - is a quiet hub online. However, we do not discriminate - you will also find loud and chaotic places, within the framework of our INDEXES - but it is - 'ORDERED CHAOS.'
Below are some useful links to give you an idea of what we do. As you travel through the iGURU! Teaching Systems network and its Separate Parallel INternets (SPINS) - see it as a journey traversed by your Mind - "Time Travel is Mind Travel" - and you are a "Mind-Time Traveller" - on an adventure through the "Realms Of Information" - "A Universe Of Ideas!" - each journey will be different - discovery awaits!
It is time to start seeing and using the Internet differently - and experiencing Cyberspace for what it is - its potential - as Human Intelligence Online.
(Information has been ordered for convenience)